話說這一年來新聞一直在撥報有關現任元首「陳水扁」的新聞,裡頭常常提到「跛鴨(lame duck)」這一個名詞。一開始我還以為因為他常常被稱為「鴨霸扁」而最近幾年因為常常受到重挫,政治路途頗為坎坷,所為才被稱為「跛鴨」,但是最近想了一想那些記者應該不敢這麼囂張,一定是引用一些典故,所以就利用了一點網路資源去找到相關的詞彙,果然是引用美國的用法。
「跛鴨」一詞是直接由英文「lame duck」意譯過來的。
「lame duck」的原意,是指在一群鴨子當中,老是落隊的鴨子。因為這些老弱殘病的鴨子很容易成為其他動物的獵物,所以又被用來指沒有作為的人。
這個詞後來因為19世紀末,美國為避免競選連任失利的國會議員,在將盡的任期內不負責任的儘是通過一些對自己(或所屬派系團體)有利的法案,而通過的一條憲法修正案(憲法修正案第20條,被稱為跛鴨法案(Lame Duck Amendment)),而在政治上被廣泛應用。後來「Lame Duck」便也被用來指:
◎ 任期快滿但未再當選的國會議員
◎ 任期即將屆滿的政府官員(總統)而所謂的「跛鴨效應」,便是指這些任期將滿的議員或政府官員,所提出的議案或政策獲得通過執行的可能性很小。
For other uses, see Lame duck (disambiguation).A lame duck is an elected official who has lost a re-election, but continues to hold office in-between the time of the election and the time of the inauguration of the successor. Whether officials in this position should refrain from using some or all of their powers is somewhat controversial.
The term originated in the 1700s regarding stockbrokers who could not meet their debts. It was transferred to politicians in the 1860s.
The term is also used more generally to include elected officials who have chosen not to run for re-election, or who are ineligible for re-election.